We Remainers should take our medicine

MEPs showed disdain for the democratic decision of the UKMEPs showed disdain for the democratic decision of the UK
MEPs showed disdain for the democratic decision of the UK
The clamour of Brexit and the disenchantment experienced by those of us who wanted to '˜ remain '˜ part of the E U was marked by a singular lack of enlightenment from the three MEPs representing Northern Ireland.

Their shallow contribution was about as useful as a fifth wheel on a wagon.

To compound the distorted manifesto of Brexit was the astonishing disdain shown by the majority of MEPs in Brussels to the democratic vote of the UK.

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In contrast, the dignified understanding from the government of the Republic of Ireland was admirable. Not for them the politics of opportunism.

To those of us still disappointed by the referendum outcome, I recall a quote from the doyen of managers Sir Alex Ferguson. Following a rare and unexpected defeat he was asked, ‘What are you going to do?’ His reply was, ‘I am going to take my medicine and go home.’

I suggest all of us who voted ‘remain’ should do the same.

Wilson Burgess, Londonderry